Bernardo, José Manuel: Carlos Aguilar y Howard Vernon , en "Deia" (San Sebastián, 4-12-1993)
Panadero, David G.: Carlos Aguilar: A 24 fotogramas por muerte , en "Prótesis" nº 2 (Madrid, 2003)
Haas, Anita: Carlos Aguilar, the Evolution of a Film Critic , en "GuidePost" nº Fall/Winter (Madrid, 2004).
Anónimo: Carlos Aguilar. Honestidad y coherencia, en "IX Semana de Cine Fantástico y de Terror " (Cáceres, 2006)
Serrano Cueto, José Manuel: Carlos Aguilar, en "Horrormanía" (Alberto Santos Ed, 2007).

Monzón, Daniel: Carlos Aguilar: Érase una vez, en el cine , en "Fantastic Magazine" nº 7 (Barcelona, 1991)
Romero, Enrique P.: Uno de los nuestros: Carlos Aguilar , en "Voz en Off" nº 1 (Madrid, 1996)
Blanco, Miguel Angel: Carlos Aguilar Gutiérrez: en el cine todo ha cambiado , en "El Ideal" (Almería, 7-9-1999)
López Díaz, María José: Carlos Aguilar, escritor , en "El País. Andalucía" (Sevilla, 8-12-1999)
Escópico, Casto: Carlos Aguilar reivindica el Western español , en "Cartelera Turia" nº 1.886 (Valencia, 2000)
Romero, Javier G.: Carlos Aguilar. Viaje al centro de la cinefilia , en "Opus Cero" nº 8 (Algorta, 2000)
Rubio, Frank G.: Carlos Aguilar , en "Generación XXI" nº 58 (Madrid, 2001)
Lughi, Paolo: Carlos Aguilar ha curato la rassegna iberica per Science+Fiction , en "Il Piccolo" (Trieste, 13-12-2002)
Romero, Javier G.: Carlos Aguilar. El cine en la sangre , en "Quatermass" nº 4-5 (Bilbao, 2002)
Hernández Mora, Francisco José: Entrevista a Carlos Aguilar. El hombre que lo empezó todo , en "Monster World" nº 6 (Zaragoza, 2004)
Díaz Maroto, Carlos: Entrevista con Carlos Aguilar , en (Madrid, 2004).
Cuevas, Oscar: Entrevista Carlos Aguilar, en "Galaxia" nº 17 (Madrid, 2005).
Aldarondo, Ricardo: Carlos Aguilar, escritor, en "El Diario Vasco" (San Sebastián, 2-11-2005).
Fernández, Iván: Entrevista Carlos Aguilar, en "Ronin" nº 9 (Madrid, 2005).
Carreto, Tali: Carlos Aguilar. Y el verbo se hizo fotograma (y viceversa), en "Freek!" nº 18 (Puerto de Santa María, 2005).
Corral, Juan M. - Panadero, David G.: Entrevista a Carlos Aguilar , en "Prótesis" nº 4 (Madrid, 2006).
Rubio, Frank G.: Carlos Aguilar: "El nueve es el número mágico por excelencia" , en "Más allá de la ciencia" (Madrid, 2006).
Cáceres, José David: Carlos Aguilar, en (Junio, 2007)
Acevedo, Jon Ander: Carlos Aguilar, el jinete pálido, en “Scifiworld” nº 13
(Santiago de Compostela, 2009)
Without doubt, Carlos Aguilar is a unique example of the 'man of letters' in our country. He wields his pen in fields as varied as film history, criticism, essay and narrative, with prolific and stimulating results. His admirable capacity of synthesis harmonizes the most eloquent subjectivity with the rigour of precise facts. His cinematographic texts emanate a refined literary style, while his works of fiction evoke the lights and sounds of the seventh art. Thus, cinema, jazz, and thrillers, among Aguilar's other passions, create a rare and perfect symbiosis whose markedly personal style has influenced a whole generation of film critics.
Javier G. Romero
The novels of Carlos Aguilar breathe lighthearted fun, firm knowledge, and sheer entertainment. Aguilar assumes the tradition of the popular genres; the thriller and the western, always from a fresh perspective and far from the mainstream. His expressive skills and his rhythm rest in the careful description, the light style, the tightness, the development of a familiar myriad of recurring themes, the cultivation of a sick eroticism, and an ironic intelligence. The time and reality evoke obsession and loneliness. An erudite focus shines between the abstract, the crepuscular, the passionate, enriching in its intrigues, which shows him to be a natural born narrator, special and cutting edge.
Ramón Freixas
I have had many "maestros" in the world of cinema, some technical and others academic. But there is one whom I admire and respect deeply: Carlos Aguilar
Íñigo Vallejo-Nagera
Carlos Aguilar is one of the last great lovers in the classic style: a great lover of cinema, of women and of literature.
Ursula Vossen